Get Inspired, Take Action: Indie Business Coaches

Ever feel stuck? Want to switch careers? Maybe you have big ideas and want to make that part time business you love your full time career? Raise your hand if you start new projects with lots of energy then fizzle out half way… then start a new project that looks like more fun. A few months ago I found myself with both hands up! And didn’t feel great about it. I needed to find a good indie business coach to tell me what to do!

First things first:
I got super brave and I joined B-School with Marie Forleo.

{Holy cow… amazing program. Amazing isn’t even the right word. More like transformational. It activates all of your stuff. But more on that in the summer issue of the mag. pinky promise!}

So, Marie gives you a few things to do a few weeks before B-school even starts. I suddenly felt myself super stuck in my “stuff”… I knew it was keeping me from really going to the next level with my business {and B-school!}, but I wasn’t sure what to do next, so I found an amazing coach to help me figure it all out.

Read all about my new coach Becca Tracey in the spring issue of Indie Lovely. I dish about my experiences with coaching, and inspire you with pretty make & takes, indie shopping guide, my faves from around the web…. you’ll meet the furniture whisperer and the queen of one-size-fits-all dresses. And other stuff that I know you’ll like. 

oh, P.S.
make sure you subscribe, my new super cute mini mag comes out June 15th, and it won’t be up on the blog like the mag is. the only way to get it is by email. and it’s fun. kinda like a peek into my journal. it’s in magazine format, but reads like a blog or scrapbook. you’ll see…

 indie lovely

 indie lovely

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